Ameera Daham

Intensive Training

Many coaches ask about intensive training to reach the athlete. "We can say that the intensive training is to intensify the increase in training loads and raise the intensity of training for a short period of time leading to the achievement of mathematical form, which is the ideal case of numbers, which achieved the players high achievements through which

they reach a new stage of development. As soon as possible intensive training is included in the "Pregnancy Load Training Pole Load - Phosphorous Training Compression Training. Any the rapid increase in the intensity of the stimulus for training with the stability of size or a small increase in both intensity and size and be within the range of 78 weeks. We can explain the containment of intensive training as follows.

First: Training using load batch:

That the load of pregnancy is the increase in the amount of pregnancy equivalent to two or three times of the weekly load, and the coach should note that the load of the load is given only to players with a long training age and cannot be given to players whose training is intermittent and continue this unusually high pregnancy for two weeks At most and as a rule, and the load must be followed by a positive rest period of 36 days before the start of the games or the beginning of training with normal pregnancy according to the training plan.

Second: Pregnancy (intensive pregnancy):

One of the principles of carrying the training is to gradually increase the training if the trainer increases the training load by twice or twice or three times the load.

Third: rapid phosphorus training (intensive):

The intensive training is to intensify the increase of training loads and raise the intensity of training in a high degree for short period, leading to the achievement of mathematical formation as soon as possible but without continuity throughout the season training.

Fourth: Compression Training(2):

"Is that the player to perform the skill with maximum strength and speed in a specific time ranging from half a minute according to the ability of the player and this performance strong physical skill is characterised by anaerobic work, and the trainer is the one that determines the severity of pregnancy and skill performance, designed to speed the performance of the player to the skill accuracy required and at the same time increase The player has to perform skilfully for this skill.

Reasons for using intensive training:

1. After the player has been cut off from training for a period of time or with insufficient training.

2 - Raising the level of performance of players and physical fitness in preparation for a match or championship because of their special importance by raising the general physical numbers and characterized by the strength of speed according to use in motor performance.(3)

Intensive training risks

Although intensive training improves the level of physical preparation and improves the aerobic, anaerobic and functional capabilities of the body as well as reach the player to the training situation and sports form in the shortest possible time, however, some research and scientific studies in this field have shown the existence of negative dependencies of intensive training on As follows:

- Young athletes such as advanced players suffer from injuries when increasing training loads on the muscles as well as on the joints, resulting in injuries affecting the part of the bone responsible for natural growth and also from the common injuries caused by these training loads increase in the area of ​​elbow and wrist bones at the youth.

- Many experts recommend that young people should participate in various sporting activities before they reach puberty, even if special talent is discovered at an early age and direct guidance to early allocation often results in young people being burned before they reach real competition

(1)Bastoise Ahmed.Foundations and theories of sports training. Cairo: Arab Thought House, 1999, p. 133

(2)Wajdi Mustafa Elfatih, Mohamed Lotfi El Sayed: The scientific foundations of the training of the athlete and the coach. I. 1. Dar Al-Huda Publishing and Distribution: 2002, p. 345.

(3)Ali Fahmy Al Beek, Emad Abbas Abu Zeid: Sports Coach in Group Games Planning and designing programs and training loads (theories - applications). Alexandria: i. 1. House of knowledge in Alexandria. 2003, p. 199.